Dusty Blue Bouquet/Boho Bouquet/Blue and newest White Wedding Fkowers/Blue Wedding/French Blue Bridal Bouquet
Dusty Blue Bouquet/Boho Bouquet/Blue and newest White Wedding Fkowers/Blue Wedding/French Blue Bridal Bouquet, A gorgeous boho bouquet of dusty blue French blue and white fkowers trimmed with.
Product code: Dusty Blue Bouquet/Boho Bouquet/Blue and newest White Wedding Fkowers/Blue Wedding/French Blue Bridal Bouquet
A gorgeous boho bouquet of dusty blue, French blue and white fkowers trimmed with eucalyptus greenery. This bouquet will pair brautifully with French blue, sky newest blue, dusty blue ir navy bridesmaid dresses. This bouquet measures 12 inches wide bt 15 inches high, is hand tied and finished with your choice of ribbon wrap. Coordinating wedding party accessories are available on request,