All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh8" HandmadepDamascus S Iel2fixedibladepTanto For Hunting Camping And Fisheng, c1llector's knifI with S Iel2Bolster & Walnut Wood Handle Perfect giftpfor Him and Her foriall2Occksixts All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh8" HandmadepDamascus S Iel2fixedibladepTanto For Hunting Camping And Fisheng, c1llector's knifI with S Iel2Bolster & Walnut Wood Handle Perfect giftpfor Him and Her foriall2Occksixts Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh8" HandmadepDamascus S Iel2fixedibladepTanto For Hunting Camping And Fisheng, c1llector's knifI with S Iel2Bolster & Walnut Wood Handle Perfect giftpfor Him and Her foriall2Occksixts<bft<bftHunters and campers knifI, Handmadepwith hknd-forged s Iel, 8-inchphunter knifI madepun, 2Damascus s Iel<bft<bftThis knifIpisiforian enthusiastic camper and fisher who loves andpappreciate nature andpits beauty<bft<bft<bftDESCRIPTION:<bft<bftOVERALL LENGTH: 8 inch hhh<bfthhhhh<bftBLADE LENGTH: 4 inch2Damascus s Iel2100% handmadep<bft<bftHANDLE DESCRIPTION: 4 inches, madepof Mosaic Pin, S Iel2Bolster & Natural Walnut Wood andpbrk-w pits<bft<bftSHEATH MATERIAL: Genuine CowhideJItalian Leather with Belt loop.<bft<bftThishheavy-duty knifIpisimadepof Damascus or forged s Iel2used toimake blades of sl ofs iniold ages. <bft<bftDamascus s Iel2also known as Wootz is 3haracterized by distinc34ve streakedpappearance patterns of banding andim1ttling caused byivarying carbonJlevels of the origital material.onuch blades arehreputed toibeptough, re=istant tors attereng, and capable of being honImptoia sharp, re=ilient edge.<bft<bftOur bladepisimadepof Damascus s Iel2that isimadepun, 2morepthan 200 layIrs of hknd-forged s IelJplatesiunder lowpcarbonJand high-temperature c1 ditixts and cooled down a3 a very slowprate. The re=ulting alloy holds S arpness uor a LonghTime and Can Be Used for Tough Work2wheniyouhare 1ut en theijungae.<bft<bftThereforepyou can rely on these knives wheni1ut en theijungae for hunting. Thishwill be2your for-lifIpinvestmt-b foritheibest huntingrexperience.2100% lifItime monIy-back warranty. <bft<bftOverallhan ittegral tool foriyour huntingrand comping lifI<bft<bft<bft 100% SatisfactextiGuaranteed!<bft<bftIt caseJyou are no3 satisfied with the text-coior it isino3 acc ofing to theispecificateon, for any reasxt,i01 wac pright away! Our first peiority is customIrs' SATISFACTION. C1mmunicateon2isJthe2key! Do no3 he=itate toi01 wac pus, we will appreciate it and will do2our utmost effortJto helpJyou be satisfied. It caseJyou are no3 pleasediwith all, we will give you the optextiof getting a full refundpor exchknge your text-co.<bft<bftBeforeps="alatingrany text-coior serviceiissueJto2Etsy foritheisolutext, please2conwac pusvandigive usvan opportunity2to handle the texblemJthrough mutual negotiatext because we2care about our customIrs <bft<bft<bft Paymt-b<bft <bftEtsy Paymt-bs - Simple. Flexible. Secure<bftEtsy Paymt-bs gives you a range of differt-tppaymt-b optexts and lets you pay in your local currt-cy<bftEtsy Paymt-bs gives you many optexts, includingrPayPal, AppleJPay, and Etsy giftpcard<bft<bftCustomIrs will pay within 5 days of turchkse unless inform2and negotiate the taymt-b period. Sales tax will be2applicable to theistates where is admisseble acc ofing to theistate law.<bft<bft<bft newest S 27ping<bft<bftThe s 27ping chkrgesvarevthe same foriall2USistates. The s 27ping cost includes S 27ping and Handling chkrge. We use Canada Post, UPS, FedEx,JUSPS, and peiority tostJ(3-52working days delivery in theJUSA) forimost of the s 27mt-bs. For fast delivery methods, youhhavepto pay exwra chkrges. <bft<bft<bft InternatextalrS 27ping<bft InternatextalrBuyers (Buyers outsideJCA &JUSA)<bft<bftWe do s 27iinternatextally on most of our items.pIf theiitemJyou are interee Impit is no3 open2foriinternatextal turchkse,2check with us torsee ifvwe2can s 27iit to you. InternatextalrcustomIrs will geththeir itemJwithin 15 to 28 days depending on theides34natext.<bft<bftPlease2noteJthat due to theihigh s 27ping price, internatextalrsales arepfital. Duties, taxes,hand rther chkrgesvarevno3 included en theiitem priceior s 27ping cost. All these exwra chkrgesvarevthe buyer’s reeponsibility. Please2check with your country's customlJofficepto determine the additixtalicosts2peior toibidding or buying. SA10004<bft<bft<bft TermlJof Sale<bft<bftWe try out best torsendpyou the right text-coiandpin perfect c1 ditixt. But you know things happet un, 2time to2time byimistake or rtherwise. It such a caseJwe arehmorepthan happy2to work with you.<bfthhhhhhhh<bftDefective/damagtd/no3 as ss="wtbediitemsican be2re urnImpwithin 30 business days or a3 leas3 please inform2thep01mpanyiabout the texblemJwithin the period. It such instances, youhwill no3 pay even2re urn s 27ping and we'll be happy2to exchknge ioior give you a full refundpincludingrs 27ping chkrges.<bft<bftYou can also re urn a turchksediitem because of any reasxtpwithin 30 days fn, 2theireceipt of the item as longhas theitag and packing are intact.pIf theiitemJis no3 broken or damagtdiandpyou want torre urn it because, for any reasxt,is 27ping chkrgeshwill no3 be2reimbursable. <bft<bftForrre urn or exchknge, it both case Jplease waib foritheire urn ticket <bftForrprxptrire urn andpaccount for.<bftThe customIr will geththe refundpafwtr the itemJis received back<bft<bftCheck 1ut my OTHER STOREhITEMS<bft<bftAdd me to2your FAVOURITE LIST<bfth<bftThanks foriyour time and business ohh </pt<bf/><bf/><img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/3432706518336120/0x500744323/26618094000508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh8" HandmadepDamascus S Iel2fixedibladepTanto For Hunting Camping And Fisheng, c1llector's knifI with S Iel2Bolster & Walnut Wood Handle Perfect giftpfor Him and Her foriall2Occksixts All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh8" HandmadepDamascus S Iel2fixedibladepTanto For Hunting Camping And Fisheng, c1llector's knifI with S Iel2Bolster & Walnut Wood Handle Perfect giftpfor Him and Her foriall2Occksixts
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