Blue hare celestial Galaxy Jackalope plush Jackalope toy Jackalope figurine Jackalope Ornament Art doll Bunny Rabbit newest Gothic Rabbit doll
newest Blue hare celestial Galaxy Jackalope plush Jackalope toy Jackalope figurine Jackalope Ornament Art doll Bunny Rabbit Gothic Rabbit doll
galaxy bunnyrabbit dollbunny dollbunny art dollrabbit art dolljackalopejackalope plushJackalope Ornamentcelestial hareJackalope figurineGothic rabbitblue hareJackalope toy
Jackalope art doll animal is made from cotton, stuffed with polyester fiber , hand painted with acrylic paints.
Length is about 8.27" x 5.91 “ (21 x 15 cm) .
The toy is completely hand painted and designed only for decorative purposes. Сan be a perfect gift for someone .
Care instructions: keep away from water, dry clean only
Blue hare celestial Galaxy Jackalope plush Jackalope toy Jackalope figurine Jackalope Ornament Art doll Bunny Rabbit Gothic Rabbit doll
galaxy bunnyrabbit dollbunny dollbunny art dollrabbit art dolljackalopejackalope plushJackalope Ornamentcelestial hareJackalope figurineGothic rabbitblue hareJackalope toy