Parmigiano Reggiano over 70 months is a true rarity for true connoisseurs, who love to taste its strong flavor mixed with an initial hint of spicy aromas. A gourmet cheese, aged newest for more than 6 years and the result of meticulous work rooted in local craftsmanship and tradition, handed down over time. This Parmigiano Reggiano is extremely healthy. Precisely because of the long maturation and relative rest, the over 70-month Parmigiano Reggiano of 4 Madonne Caseificio dell'Emilia is loaded with beneficial properties essential for our health.
A taste carved in time:
It has the typical straw yellow color of Parmigiano Reggiano, a color made warmer precisely because of its high seasoning. The olfactory and taste notes recall walnut and dried fruit, unmistakable signs of a complexity of taste that make it a unique cheese. Grainy, crumbly, dry, this cheese melts on contact with the palate in a typical explosion of flavor. Parmigiano Reggiano over 70 months represents months, years of work, bringing with it an important flavor, ideal for great occasions. A noble cheese whose taste is not so easily forgotten.
Good and healthy:
High ripening gives this cheese essential beneficial properties to our bodies, such as its other selenium content. This element helps maintain healthy nails and hair, as well as promotes regular thyroid and immune system function. In addition, selenium protects cells from oxidative stress and thus contributes to the correction of a less than ideal diet with its consequences.
The benefits of Parmesan cheese over 70 months do not end there, because this is a cheese rich in tyrosine, phosphorus and calcium. These are elements to be taken both during growth (particularly suitable for children and adolescents) and to recover energy after important psychophysical activities: a natural food supplement for those who work at high intensity, those who study or do prolonged sports activities. Parmigiano Reggiano over 70 months is naturally lactose-free and highly digestible.
Fine tasting:
Parmigiano Reggiano over 70 months is perfect for special occasions. It is excellent in tasting, as a meditation cheese and best accompanied with sweet and sour fruit mustards or honeys with a very present taste: Lime, Chestnut, Acacia are the most suitable. The advice is to cut this cheese in flakes, to enjoy it in all its pervasive flavor.
An essential balance between peaks of savoriness and softness of aromas, making it a perfect match for very particular wines. Passito, muffati, fortified wines or wood-aged spirits. For the more daring we also recommend pairing it with distilled liqueurs, with a hint of wood.
How to store it:
The first recommendation is to store Parmigiano Reggiano over 70 months at a temperature between 4°C and 8°C. This is to prevent it from losing its organoleptic properties over time, especially if opened and not fully consumed. If the package has not yet been opened, on the other hand, Parmigiano Reggiano over 70 months can be stored for over a month.
Although its paste possesses a minimal percentage of fat, it is recommended to keep this cheese away from odorous sources such as open food, especially items such as fish or vegetables with lingering scents. This could affect the taste and thus nullify its uniqueness, so it is best to keep it in a vacuum-sealed or airtight container, which partially mimics the effect of packaging at purchase.
Product code: Parmesan Cheese newest DOP aged 70 months - Parmigiano Reggiano