Optical Grade High Purity Cerium Oxide newest Polishing Compound - 1 Lb and 2" Felt Polishing Wheel Kit
Gordon Glass Optical Grade high purity cerium oxide polishing compound designed for the flat glass and precision optics industries, optical grade cerium oxide has a tightly controlled particle size distribution; manufactured with strict Dmax control. Gordon Glass optical grade cerium oxide can produce high quality scratch free surfaces with very low levels of surface roughness.
Gordon Glass optical grade cerium oxide particles are very durable and don't wear out as quickly as competitors' products. Its uniform particle size distribution translates into high glass removal rate.
Gordon Glass Optical grade cerium oxide suspension newest system ensures soft settling and no hard caking after extended static periods. Optical grade cerium oxide will not stick to machine/plumbing or glass surface. Gordon Glass optical grade cerium oxide has excellent cleanability due to its built-in cleaning agents.
Gordon Glass Optical Grade Cerium Oxide designed for polishing precision optics, quartz, flat glass and mirror, crystals.
Typical Physical Properties:
Appearance: White powder
Total Rare Earth Oxide > 93 %
CeO2 > 70 %
Particle Size (coulter)
D50 1.0 – 2.0 μm
D97 < 7 μm
PH 7.0 – 7.5
Suspension Treated: Yes
Recommended Slurry Temperature:
75° -- 100° F (24° - 38° C)
Flat glass / mirror beveling and edging:
20 – 50 grams/liter ( 2 – 5 %)
Precision Optics / Manual Polishing:
50 – 100 grams/liter ( 5 – 10%)