1980, On The Hawser, A Tugboat Album, American Tugs, Foreign Tugs, Tugboat, Salvage, Seafaring, Fishing, Vessel, Barge, Mariner, 500 newest Photos
Today, we offer a book, entitled: On The Hawser A Tugboat Album. Written by Steven Lang and Peter H. Spectre. Published in 1980, by Downeast Books. A book that is every harbor watcher's dream ... fascinating and often very beautiful photographs of tugs doing what they do best ... from the year 1836 to the present. Tugboats, the workhorses of the maritime world, are seldom written about and much less pictured. Here, for the first time, are photos and stories of many of the oldest and most famous of the American tugs, as well as a representative selection of foreign tugs, especially the larger seagoing vessels that roam the world. Illustrated with over 500 photographs. Extensive bibliography and complete vessel index. 9" x 10-1/4", 506 pps.