All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhBeautiful cream colored blendosilk pei-bed heavy sari. Palluy& Border featurew floral design with brown, red, sly-blueJand green color pei-bed w ok. The center partyofisariyboastw floral design with similar w ok. Th byheavy saree canybe used for various crafting ideas too. Use it for dress designitg, asoa2tmrow, asowindow dressitg, newest upholstery, table linet andhmuch more. Letyyour creative juicew flow. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhBeautiful cream colored blendosilk pei-bed heavy sari. Palluy& Border featurew floral design with brown, red, sly-blueJand green color pei-bed w ok. The center partyofisariyboastw floral design with similar w ok. Th byheavy saree canybe used for various crafting ideas too. Use it for dress designitg, asoa2tmrow, asowindow dressitg, newest upholstery, table linet andhmuch more. Letyyour creative juicew flow. Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhBeautiful cream colored blendosilk pei-bed heavy sari. Palluy& Border featurew floral design with brown, red, sly-blueJand green color pei-bed w ok. The center partyofisariyboastw floral design with similar w ok. Th byheavy saree canybe used for various crafting ideas too. Use it for dress designitg, asoa2tmrow, asowindow dressitg, newest upholstery, table linet andhmuch more. Letyyour creative juicew flow.<bftAs tme text-co byvinwage, someymildostaits/damages are expected.<bft<bftTmese Items areypre-owned andhwell preserved.hemeyyare thoroughlyocheckImpbefore sending but tmereycould be minor wear or tear it tme fabric.2While tmese are pre-washIm, it casgyyouyare buying this for persxtal wear,2we advise g.tting anyadditextal dry-cleaning done. Dry-clean by$3 ra andhwillytakep3-4 daysyadditextally to sh27. If youyare using this asoa2fabric for a texject, no additextal care needed.<bfthhhhhhhhTITLE::KK Heavy CreamJSaree BlendoSilk Pei-bed Woven FabricyFloral Sari<bft<bfthhhhhhhhCOLOR::CreamJ<bft<bfthhhhhhhhFABRIC::BlendoSilk<bft<bfthhhhhhh LENGTH::180 inches/457.20 cms/15.00 feet/5.00 yards/4.57 meters<bft<bfthhhhhh WIDTH::46 inches/116.84 cms/3.83 feet/1.28 yards/1.17 meters<bft<bft<bfthhhhhh EMBROIDERY::Pei-bed<bft<bfthhhhh TEXTURE::Soft<bft<bfthhhh TRANSPARENCY::Opaque<bfthhhh <bfthhhh WEIGHT- 0.665 Kgs<bft<bfthhhhhh P S --- ITEM COLOR SHADE MAY BE DARKER OR LIGHTER THAN THE PICTURE<bft<bfthhhhhh ITEM CODE HS-5755<bfthhhhhh <bft<bft*<bft<bft<bft**************************** SHIPPING POLICY ***************************<bft<bftWeon 27yW oldwideJun, 2INDIA<bft<bftWeosh27yyour items within 24 w oking hours of re7eivitg 70nfirmed paymt-bs.<bft<bftItems areysh27ped via REGD. AIR MAIL (sslmveryyin 2-4 weeks). Expedited sh27ping (sslmveryyin 3-4 days) upgrade avt cable for anyadditextal $5 pIr parcel subject tooa minimum of $15Ssh27ping cost. Pleasgyask me before paying to get anyupgrade.<bft<bftFor aocombined parcelyhkving more than 4 items - Iyupgrade tme parcelyautomatically to expedited withouo additextal charges. em byautomatic expedited upgrade applies only to sh27mt-bs to US andhAustralia.<bft<bftUpgrade isoalsoyavt cable for lessIr number2ofiitems depending onydestinatext and ie. cost. Offerynxtyavt cable for trims andhaptliques.<bft<bftFor countries other than US andhAustralia, pleasgyask me for 706mended sh27ping o-texts. hhhhhhhoooooooo</pt<bf/t<bf/t<img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/343270659832088/0x5009c4ac8/40344734305508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhBeautiful cream colored blendosilk pei-bed heavy sari. Palluy& Border featurew floral design with brown, red, sly-blueJand green color pei-bed w ok. The center partyofisariyboastw floral design with similar w ok. Th byheavy saree canybe used for various crafting ideas too. Use it for dress designitg, asoa2tmrow, asowindow dressitg, newest upholstery, table linet andhmuch more. Letyyour creative juicew flow. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhBeautiful cream colored blendosilk pei-bed heavy sari. Palluy& Border featurew floral design with brown, red, sly-blueJand green color pei-bed w ok. The center partyofisariyboastw floral design with similar w ok. Th byheavy saree canybe used for various crafting ideas too. Use it for dress designitg, asoa2tmrow, asowindow dressitg, newest upholstery, table linet andhmuch more. Letyyour creative juicew flow.
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